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Theatre production

Festivals production:

  • (2020-2022) Festiwal Rzeczpospolita B. in Belzyce in a rural area of Lublin region, created in cooperation with the local culture house. Co-author, curator and producer of the festival.
  • (2022) NEAR EAST Festival in Lublin, a showcase of  Belarusian theatre and art, organized by the Artists Association Near East with a consortium of 10 partners – public institutions and NGOs from Lublin and Poland.

Theatre performance production:

  • (2014) “The HIDEOUT/Kryjówka” dir. P. Passini, (Culture Center in Lublinie, within international art-social project “Songs of My Neighbours” run in cooperation with Center of Performing Arts MITOS from Cyprus, Teatro Astragalii from Italy and Grotowski Institute in Wrocław); the performance had been performed more than 100 times in Poland and abroad, also was a part of tourne around Poland within Teatr Polska programme and 10 shows in Tianjin and Harbin in China, awarded on festivals Kontrapunkt in Szczecin, Korczak in Warszawa, Klamra w Toruń.
  • (2015) “Poles” dir. P. Passini, (cooproduction Culture Center in Lublinie and Teatr Maska in Rzeszów),
  • (2015) “#enterorestes” dir. G. Grecas within 1st Competition of J. Dorman run by Theatre Institute in Warszawa (Lublin, Artists Association NEAR EAST in cooperation with Theatre Academy in Wrocław and Culture Center in Lublin),
  • (2016) “Sign of Jonas” dir. P. Passini, (Culture Center in Lublin for Gorzkie Żale Festival in Warszawa in cooperation with Programme 2 of Polish Radio), performance was choosen for tourne around Poland within Teatr Polska programme,
  • (2016) “The BOX” dir. P. Passini, (Culture Center in Lublin and Artists Association NEAR EAST for Theatre Olimpics Festival in Wrocław).
  • (2017) “Deads or Alives, that is Bandits in the Hell” dir. J. Lewicka (premiere in The Old Theater in Lublin, producer Fundacja Teatrikon), awarded in Classics Alive Competition with special award of St. Hebanowski for repertoire discovery,
  • (2018) “Stryjeńska. Let’s Dance Zofia” monodrame of Dorota Landowska in dir. J. Lewicka based on text of Anna Duda (2018, prapremiere in Polish Institute in Roma, coproduction Artists Association NEAR EAST with Culture Meetings Center in Lublin and Musical Theater in Lublin,
  • (2019) “ZEN_IT” dir. P. Prokopiuk, producer Fundacja Klub Kontra, premiere show in Katowice Garden’s City, performance get 5 awards (Grand Prix included) on Katowice Theatre Round, production support and stage designer,
  • (2020) “DIONIZOS360” dir P. Passini, Artists Association NEAR EAST in cooperation with Culture Center in Lublin, Labyrinth Gallery in Lublin, Łódź Film School, perofrmance realized in video 360 technology,
  • (2020) “The Surename” dir. P. Prokopiuk, NEAR EAST Association in cooperation with Rozbark Theater in Bytom, performance get award ‘Shaking the Walls’ from international jury on Gdansk Shakespaer Festival in SzekspirOFF line,
  • (2020) “Propaganda.ucieleśnienie” chor. A. Piotrowska (Rozbark Theater in Bytom),
  • (2021) “Rozbark. Does nothing change?” dir. G. Grecas (Rozbark Theater in Bytom in cooperation with Migawki Collective and Fundacja Inqubator Teatralny),
  • (2021) “SAUNA EVENING” dir. P. Prokopiuk (Artists Association NEAR EAST in cooperation with Theatre Academy Theatre Dance Department in Bytom and Bytom’s Culture Center, open air performance with premiere show in People’s Park in Bytom-Miechowice, production financed by OFF Polska programme; creative producer, financial manager, stage designer.